Tuesday, October 30, 2007

ho hum..

Well, I have started yet another sweater and think that I'll be putting the afghans away for a while since doing sweaters is my new addiction. I keep hearing about knitting swaps, and knit alongs.. let me tell you.. KAL's are far easier to find than swaps. I want to join swaps, but so far have only been able to find two and they are both for dishcloths. One through Swap-Bots, and one through Yarn Lovers Room. While these appear to be great, I did a google search and most of the swaps are through blogs, but it appears that invites are hard to obtain. This seems to be some inner sanctum for knitters, and I want to get involved.. question is, HOW??

well.. in the meantime, I'll continue to search and to prove my knit-worthiness and try and beg and plead for some invites to these wonderful swaps.

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