Friday, October 19, 2007

Too many WIP's

Not sure how I did this, but I have recently found out about KAL's.. this is not a good thing to a person who already has too many projects currently being worked on.. Besides the Sweater and the afghan pictured in my first blogs, I also have an afghan I'm making for my DS for the holidays.. now here's a bigger picture of the pickle I'm getting myself into..

Promised to start projects
  1. Hat & scarf set for my boyfriends daughter
  2. dishcloths for my colleague
  3. dishcloths for my first ever swap (these will be a breeze)
  4. doggie sweater for Gizmo

KAL's I have now gotten involved in

  1. top down sweater from
  2. Cable Luxe Tunic
  3. and one KAL that I started..

At this point I need to book myself into a private lodge on a mountain - fireplace a MUST, and bring all my projects, and knit happily for a month or so.. I would actually do this some where on the east coast too.. so long as there is a good view, and a fireplace.. I just truly do not know how much longer my boyfriend is going to tolerate the constant knitting at night... I do try and give him attention, but he knows deep down I'm on my own private mission..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.