Tuesday, October 30, 2007

ho hum..

Well, I have started yet another sweater and think that I'll be putting the afghans away for a while since doing sweaters is my new addiction. I keep hearing about knitting swaps, and knit alongs.. let me tell you.. KAL's are far easier to find than swaps. I want to join swaps, but so far have only been able to find two and they are both for dishcloths. One through Swap-Bots, and one through Yarn Lovers Room. While these appear to be great, I did a google search and most of the swaps are through blogs, but it appears that invites are hard to obtain. This seems to be some inner sanctum for knitters, and I want to get involved.. question is, HOW??

well.. in the meantime, I'll continue to search and to prove my knit-worthiness and try and beg and plead for some invites to these wonderful swaps.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Finished sweater

Well, I have finally completed this sweater. While I do like how it turned out, I would certainly modify the pattern and yarn a bit on the next go.

Monday, October 22, 2007

SO close.....

I'm so close to finally getting this sweater finished. I have just completed sewing the sleeves to the raglan inserts for both front and back. Now I have to figure out all my stitches that were left on numerous needles and stitch holders to begin the boat neck collar. Once that is done, then I just have to sew the side seams as well as the sleeves.. My goal is to have this completed Tuesday evening.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Too many WIP's

Not sure how I did this, but I have recently found out about KAL's.. this is not a good thing to a person who already has too many projects currently being worked on.. Besides the Sweater and the afghan pictured in my first blogs, I also have an afghan I'm making for my DS for the holidays.. now here's a bigger picture of the pickle I'm getting myself into..

Promised to start projects
  1. Hat & scarf set for my boyfriends daughter
  2. dishcloths for my colleague
  3. dishcloths for my first ever swap (these will be a breeze)
  4. doggie sweater for Gizmo

KAL's I have now gotten involved in

  1. top down sweater from Craftster.org http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=152316.0
  2. Cable Luxe Tunic http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=199929.0
  3. and one KAL that I started.. http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=202815.0

At this point I need to book myself into a private lodge on a mountain - fireplace a MUST, and bring all my projects, and knit happily for a month or so.. I would actually do this some where on the east coast too.. so long as there is a good view, and a fireplace.. I just truly do not know how much longer my boyfriend is going to tolerate the constant knitting at night... I do try and give him attention, but he knows deep down I'm on my own private mission..

Thursday, October 18, 2007

First Blog EVER

This project is out of the Debbie Bliss Denim Cotton pattern book and it's the Boat Neck Aran Sweater. I did not use her yarns (though I really would love to!), and instead found some yarn that was the same gauge, however, when I started knitting, I realized that this would be far to big & lumpy for my taste, so I purchased Sensations kashmira yarn in black which had a smaller gauge, and to my amazement is coming out in the right size that I wanted it to, including the raglan shaping. I have completed the front and back, as well as 1 sleeve. Now I need to finish the other sleeve, the raglan inserts and the boat neck shaping, and I will have a wonderful and warm sweater. This will be my very first completed sweater.. meaning that this will be the first one ever to be sewn & worn.
The detailing in this picture is a bit hard to see, but it is literally all cabling.. Love to knit something challenging!

2nd project

I recently joined Knittinghaven.com and found out about the world of blogging.. strange since my job keeps me on the internet all night.. regardless, I figured I would finally start to write about the projects I'm working on, the ones I want to start, and the ones I finish (hopefully).

The first project is one I started about 3 weeks ago and has worked up very quickly. I just need to go and get more yarn for it. The pattern is from the Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim pattern book and it's the "Cabled Throw".. I love this pattern!! I used the Vanna's Choice yarn in Beige and in Taupe and are knitted on No. 9 needles. This pattern has a total of 5 strips and at this time, I have 4 completed though have only pictured two of them.

I have 2 more major projects I'm working on that I need to get pictures of before I can post.