Thursday, November 8, 2007

new addiction

Things have been rather insane here at work lately, so there has been very little time to post. I finished the back of my xoxo cabled pullover the other day, and have started the front. It's getting colder now here in the midwest, and I absolutely refuse to go out and buy any sweaters since I have discovered the joy of making them myself. Bottom line, I have much work to do in the next month, or I'll be wearing nothing but sweatshirts.

I found a fantastic meet site online for knitters in my area.. bonus **it's across the street from my house**. My first meet up was to be on the 4th. I got over excited and for some reason equated the 4th with Saturday, so I showed up at the designated Panera Bread, and waited for like 15 minutes. I then foolishly realized that the 4th was Sunday, NOT Saturday.. DUH!! My boyfriend, found this very amusing as you can all imagine.

I went back on Sunday and met up with around 10 other women who live in this area. Some new knitters, some seasoned, but all very entertaining, and the projects they were working on gave me more and more ideas.

On to the topic of this post.. Since I have quit my part time job and am relying solely on my full time job income, I should be watching pennies a bit closer, right?? wrong.. I'm now addicted to hording yarn.. I have a list a mile long of projects I want to work on, and have more than enough yarn to accomplish this, so why do I feel this sudden urge to find all the yarn steals on the internet or in the yarn shops?? I need to be banned from Ebay, as I'm finding some of the very best deals there, and will happily place my highest maximum bid in, in hopes that whomever else wants to bid on what I want, will get frustrated and stop bidding once they realize that they aren't becoming the top bidder.

Why can't I be a really good knitter and work on one project at a time? buying only the needed yarn for that one project? till it's finished??

My camera is a on the brink of dying a slow and much used death, but once I replace it, I'll take a picture of my "knitting chair" and all the bags that have different projects in it. My boyfriend is a saint though.. He only asks that I clean up my stash once a month.

How will I explain the 3 shipments of yarn that will be coming to our doorstop relatively soon? How do I explain to him that I need one bedroom for myself and my yarn? I believe he will tell me to go get a storage unit for my precious stash very soon.

well.. time to get back to work, and hopefully new pics will be up shortly and I can start posting more regularly.

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